CA Meeting 2/10/18
HOA MEETING 2/10/18 – 2:00pm
CALL TO ORDER – President Dick Bailey called the meeting to order. Dick welcomed the members and asked for confirmation of a quorum of paid members in attendance.
ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUORUM – Secretary Art Keller reported that 15 paid members were in attendance and the condition that a quorum be present to hold the meeting and the vote had been met.
PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Secretary Art Keller read the list of candidates that included: Dick Bailey President Henry Bornstein Treasurer Art Keller Secretary Carolynn Jarrett Board Member Joe Colabella Board Member Ray Silva Board Member Ballots were passed to the members in attendance.
SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION NAME CHANGE AND BYLAWS – Treasurer Henry Bornstein explained that the law governing Homeowners Associations had changed since Highlands Harbor was originally formed.
The Davis-Stirling Act governing the common interest community associations went into effect in 1986. Since Highlands Harbor does not have any common interest in property, it does not qualify as a homeowners association.
Henry explained that the bylaws were being changed to conform to our corporate structure and to address the C.C.&R.s that are not enforceable by law. The new name going forward is the Highlands Harbor Community Association.
SUBMISSION OF BALLOTS – Ballots were collected and tallied by Secretary Art Keller.
RESULTS OF ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 23 ballots were counted; all 23 ballots voted for the officer candidates and the board members.
RESULTS OF VOTE TO CHANGE NAME – 23 ballots approved the name change.
RESULTS OF VOTE TO AMEND BYLAWS – 23 ballots approved the amendment of the bylaws.
REPORT ON WHAT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED BY THE BOARD – Henry reported on the board’s communication with Clearlake Code Enforcement and the department’s willingness to deal with code problems our residents have. He encouraged members to use the report form the City provided.
Henry then reported on the biggest project of the board, road improvement in Highlands Harbor. Since 2017, the City of Clearlake has been waiting for the results of the election that included Measure V, a sales tax increase, before making any plans to improve the roads. Measure V has since passed and Henry said the Oversight Committee Meeting of December 2017 did not take place due to the Sulpher Fire and the new regulations that came with it. A new meeting has been set for February 22, 2018.
FINANCIAL REPORT – Henry reported that the Association received $975.00 in Revenue from dues. Expenses for fees and mailing costs were $458.00 for a net increase of $517.00. The total bank balance as of the meeting date is $8,137.00.
OPEN DISCUSSION ON THE DIRECTION OF THE ORGANIZATION – Member David Lee asked a question about the structure of the dues. Henry stated that the dues were not mandatory and were structured according to need. With low expenses there is not a great need for dues.
Ray Silva commented on the roads status. He pointed out that our roads have drainage in place and that we are built as a real subdivision. Consequently, our roads are an easier repair than other parts of the City.
Ceca Harris voiced her concern for fire safety stemming from overgrown weeds on vacant lots. Henry noted that the City and Fire Department don’t communicate with each other to get the list of overgrown lots cut and many lots go uncut.
Carolynn Jarrett said complaints of overgrown lots can go to Code Enforcement and that it is best to start following up in March. She suggested going to Chief Cepeda to discuss the issue.
Dick Bailey suggested that the board draft and send a letter concerning the vacant lot fire problem to the City.
The discussion turned to the problem with Cottonwood trees near our subdivision. The fire danger posed by the trees was not being addressed by the agencies involved. A suggestion to get the City to complain to Parks about the problem was offered as a solution.
Ceca Harris made a motion for an agenda item that included the Board writing a letter to the City of Clearlake explaining the problem and asking for City action to solve the problem. The letter would include copies to the Fire Department and the State of California. The motion was seconded and was passed by a vote of the members.
A short discussion on the importance of participation, involvement, and communication by and with members and neighbors was noted as a way to improve the community.
Member Linda brought up the problem of speeding boaters on Cache Creek and the lack of Sheriff’s response. Board member Joe Colabella stated that the Sheriff will take a photo showing the boat’s CF numbers and pursue the boat owner if the person complaining will sign an affidavit stating the facts.
Dick Bailey said research on how to handle incidents and where to file complaints needed to be done to form a plan for the coming boating season. Member Daniel suggested a speed sign be posted on the creek.
Board Member Ray Silva volunteered for the design of any Highlands Harbor Dr. entrance revision. Carolynn Jarrett seconded the motion and it was passed by a vote of the members.
Member David Lee said he would like to see the Board Meetings held on a regular basis and be more organized.
The discussion turned to the condition of neglected homes lowering the property values. Ideas of how to nudge homeowners into keeping their homes neater were offered by several members. Some of the ideas included forming some guidelines to include in a letter to owners.
It was noted that Landlords sometimes don’t know what is going on and a letter might prove useful. It could be that owners without funds could use some help to maintain their properties.
Dick Bailey suggested that members email their suggestions to the Board.
Henry made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Carolynn seconded, and it was passed by a vote of the members.